Day & Nite Family of Companies Performance Solutions for Risk Management
Our goal is first and foremost to ensure the public and workplace safety by presenting a certifiable methodology to rebuild confidence. Reopening America safety at the office and in the Food Service Industry.

Navigating through a Pandemic
Day & Nite Crisis Management Installment Series
Sustainability Summit
Total Food Service, in collaboration with the Day & Nite All Service family of companies, is hosting the inaugural Hospitality Sustainability/Food Waste Summit, to be held Tuesday, October 12, 2021, featuring expert panelists and interactive discussion for at least:
Localizing Global Sustainability
Making Green Thrive in a New World of Clean
Food Waste Realities and Best Practices
Notable Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) authorities such as Hank Boerner and Eric Israel will lead expert panels and moderate lively attendee discussion to shape actionable agendas every foodservice provider can adopt.

James Beard Foundation
Day & Nite has begun a new Philanthropic Partnership with The James Beard Foundation.
When taking steps to improve your indoor air quality with Day & Nite Performance Solutions, you will not only better protect your business's interests, but by way of our recently announced partnership with the James Beard Foundation, a donation in your company's name will be made to assist others truly damaged by 2020s truly horrible circumstances.
Email jbf@wearetheone.com for more information!

Webinar Recording | September 15th at 2pm EST
Best practice hygiene and safety protocols.
Visit our Resource Section
Relevant News Articles, Updates, Data, and Opinion Pieces
Most Recent Additions:
MIT Technology Review
This scientist made a Google Doc to educate the public about airborne coronavirus transmission
October 5, 2020
The New York Times
The Coronavirus May Be Adrift in Indoor Air, C.D.C. Acknowledges
October 5, 2020